My recipient didn't receive a text message.
Updated over a week ago

If your recipient didn't receive a text message, take the following steps:
If possible, please verify your recipient's number is a valid mobile number with active mobile service.

If your recipient provided their number to you recently, or you are in direct contact with them and they can confirm their number is valid and active, please check the following troubleshooting items:

  • Is the recipient's device powered on?

  • Does the device have a sufficient signal?

  • If not power the device off, wait 30 seconds, and then power it back up.

  • Is the device connected to the home carrier's network?

  • We cannot guarantee message delivery on devices roaming off-network.

  • Can the device receive other SMS?

  • Can other devices using the same mobile carrier receive your messages

After confirming those items, if your recipient is still having problems, feel free to reach out to Support through the App or by contacting!

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