Your bank transfer could be unsuccessful for many reasons including insufficient funds, invalid recipient information, system outages, transfer limits, and more. If your bank transfer was unsuccessful for reasons other than insufficient funds, you will receive a full refund to the payment method used to initiate the transfer.
Important Note: Please double-check all the details of your recipient before sending money. If you transfer funds to the wrong recipient and the transaction is completed, Pomelo cannot guarantee a refund.
Refund processing times may vary based on the card used for the transfer.
If you haven't received your refund within 5 business days, please get in touch with Pomelo Support in-app or by emailing
Banking services are provided by Coastal Community Bank, Member FDIC, and are subject to the terms of a Cardholder Agreement. The Pomelo Card is issued by Coastal Community Bank pursuant to a license from Mastercard International and may be used everywhere Mastercard is accepted. Pomelo, International Inc. is a technology services provider and administrator of the card program.